The Other Valentine's: A Look into Japan's White Day Celebration

If Valentine’s Day is your kind of holiday, you may be excited to learn that in Japan, there exists a second version of that holiday known as White Day! It is often described as the reverse version of Valentine’s Day and is celebrated exactly a month later with all the same chocolate, flowers, and love.
“What’s the difference and what’s the point?” you may ask. To which the answer is rather simple (and kind of surprising)!
Like Christmas and Halloween, some Western holidays have found their way into the Japanese culture. Valentine’s Day is also one of those holidays! Introduced to Japan in the 1950s alongside the rising influence of American culture, Valentine’s Day started when department stores began selling heart-shaped chocolates and holding Valentine’s sales.

While these aspects might appear to be the same as they are in the States, there are a few differences with the way Valentine’s Day is celebrated in Japan. With the increase in Valentine-related gifts, products, and marketing, it’s quite common for people to buy gifts not only for their partners, but also for their coworkers, friends, and even bosses!
Another interesting distinction is that it’s the women in Japan who are expected to give gifts to men on Valentine’s Day, not the other way around. The reason for this is that initially Valentine’s chocolate and other related gifts were marketed towards women, the demographic who were most frequently visiting department stores in the 1950s and 60s.
This unfairness didn’t last long, however. In the 1970s, a sweets shop in Fukuoka responded to a letter in a women’s magazine who said she would be happy with even receiving a marshmallow in return! And so, White Day was born.

While marshmallows were the original gift (and therefore the origin of the name of the holiday) you may want to be careful about whom you gift them to. That’s because White Day gifts have developed some hidden (or not so hidden) meanings over the years.
Marshmallows: Since they’re more likely to melt and dissolve, reserve these for someone you dislike.
Cookies: While most people would be happy to receive a cookie on any other day, some ladies might be disappointed to receive one on White Day. Cookies are usually seen as a sign that “you’re just a friend.”
Candy: A sign of affection, candy is usually meant for those one has a romantic interest in.
Other gifts: While a simple chocolate, candy, or marshmallow can secretly communicate one’s feelings, the idea that someone has spent a good deal of time waiting in a queue for a gift has become increasingly more meaningful, whether that gift is pudding, pastries, or even clothes!
Recently Valentine’s Day and White Day have seen a dip in popularity in Japan, but the cultural traditions that have made them uniquely Japanese still stand strong! After all, it makes sense. Considering that Japan has a long tradition of both gift-giving and 'okaeshi,' or return gift-giving, it’s no wonder that White Day was created.
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